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Specialist Hormone Service - Female Health

4 Modules

Module 1: An Overview of Hormones and the Access Options in Healthcare

Welcome to Module One of Levitas Academy's Online Specialist Hormone Service - Female Health course. This module provides a comprehensive overview of hormones, focusing on their crucial roles in female health. This module covers the fundamental concepts of hormone function, regulation, and impact on various physiological processes. This foundational knowledge equips participants with the essential understanding needed to navigate and optimise hormone health services for female patients.

Module 2: Assessment and Clinical Application in Wellbeing

Welcome to Module Two of Levitas Academy's Online Specialist Hormone Service - Female Health course. This module focuses on comprehensive assessment of hormonal status and the clinical application of hormone restoration strategies to promote overall wellbeing in women. Understanding the intricate interplay of hormones and their impact on various physiological systems is essential for personalised treatment planning and optimising health outcomes.

Module 3: Overview of Bespoke Prescribing with Dosing Guides

Welcome to Module Three of Levitas Academy's Online Specialist Hormone Service - Female Health course. This module delves into the principles of personalised medicine and tailored prescribing practices. Participants learn to apply bespoke prescribing principles in clinical practice for improved patient outcomes.

Module 4: Case Studies

Welcome to Module Four of Levitas Academy's Online Specialist Hormone Service - Female Health course. This course will give you the opportunity to apply the principles learned in previous modules to real-life clinical scenarios.

Modules for this product 4
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 Specialist Hormone Service
 £ 95.00 GBP

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